illustrator :  
image maker

Seoul / London


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✺ Solo Exhibition
‘ a piece of dream

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Collaboration with History workshop
Eating the past ; Hindi Cookbooks in Colonial India in early 20th century India,
illustrative narrtive

Emphasis on women’s role in traditional households of India, the gendered advice and cultural tales Hindi cookbooks from central UP underscored the deep roots of Hindu culinary identity.

Illustrations featured in the article.

Click here to view the full article.

Exchange Diary
Cover art for a studio album that contains autobiographical story.

The combination of dandelions and lilies symbolise the longing of mother. Exchange Diary depicts the beauty of imperfect balance of the two beautiful flowers; complexly intertwined like the past that is almost impossible to reach and a cycle of yearning that continues.

Featured in World Illustration Award 2022 New Talent Design
Product & Packaging category, longlist highlights

Click here to view the full article.